grief counselor tampa

Tampa Grief Counseling

Losing someone you love (e.g., parent, sibling, child, family, friend, pet) can be difficult for anyone.

grief therapist tampa

It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or regretful.

We all experience loss at some point in our lives. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, pet, or even a job, the resulting grief can hit us hard.

Tampa grief counseling can provide you with the space you need to process all of the difficult emotions that arise after loss and provide you with the support you need during this tough time.

person with grief

What is grief?

Grief is a word used to describe the complex, intense emotional experience that people go through after loss. Grief looks different from person to person, though it often involves feelings of sadness, confusion, and anxiety. During the grieving process, people might dwell on past memories and feel worried about what the future will look like.

Grief impacts people in a variety of ways. Some people experience depression that makes it hard to complete tasks of daily living, while others pour themselves into work to avoid the difficult emotions that grief can bring. Others might feel totally numb.

grief support tampa

It’s important to remember that there are many different types of loss that can cause grief reactions. Here are just a few examples:

  • Death of a friend, family member, colleague, or pet

  • Death of an important person in your community, even if you didn’t know them personally

  • Breakup or divorce, even a breakup with a friend or estrangement from a family member

  • Moving away from home or away from loved ones

  • Getting laid off from your job, or actively choosing to leave your job

  • Other life changes such as graduating college or entering a new life role

  • Loss of safety or security, such as in the case of domestic violence or tragedy

  • Housing loss or loss of financial stability

This isn’t an exhaustive list-a person can experience grief after any kind of loss or change. Even if the change is typically seen as positive, such as becoming a new parent, there is still a loss of a previous role or identity that can take some adjustment.

My approach to grief counseling in Tampa

As a grief counselor in Tampa, FL, I help guide people through the grieving process. While there is no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve, having the support of grief counseling can be incredibly helpful for many people.

My virtual grief counseling space is open to people who have experienced any sort of loss. I’m here to support you in navigating this challenging time in life, no matter what you’re feeling. Anger, sadness, guilt, denial, and relief are all welcome. It’s also okay if you’re unsure what you feel, or if you feel nothing at all right now.

During our time together, I won’t try to rush you into “moving on”-instead, we’ll make space for you to feel sad, process emotions, and explore what moving forward with your grief looks like. We’ll work together to make sense of your experience and explore helpful coping strategies and mindset shifts that can help you feel better.

If you have experienced loss and want support in healing, I’m here to help. Connect with me today to learn more about my approach to grief counseling in Tampa and get a sense of whether we might be a good fit for each other.

FAQs about Tampa grief counseling

Many people have never worked with a grief counselor before and can feel intimidated or uncertain about the process. Here, I’ve answered some of the most common questions I receive about grief counseling to help you better understand. However, if you still have more questions, you can reach out to me directly.

  • Many people are familiar with the concept of five stages of grief. They were first conceptualized by Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross in 1969. According to her framework, the five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

    It’s important to recognize that stages of grief provide a general idea for the types of experiences that people have after loss. It is not a formula for navigating through grief, and people often move back and forth between the stages throughout their grieving process.

    In fact, the five stages of grief model was originally developed to help terminally ill patients process their experience. If you find this approach helpful in making sense of your grief experience, that’s great. If not, that’s also completely fine.

  • Yes! Support groups are an excellent option for navigating the grieving process. Many people find it helpful to talk with other people who have similar experiences. Some choose to engage in support groups alongside counseling, while other people might try one or the other.

    There are many different grief support groups in Tampa. GriefShare has a list of support groups in the area, including some that meet virtually. The Life Center of the Suncoast offers in-person support groups in Tampa, and the Circle of Love Center provides groups for grieving people throughout Hillsborough County.

  • Yes, we periodically offer grief support and skills training groups. Contact us to get in touch about the timing of our next cohort.

  • You’re absolutely right that counseling won’t change the fact that you suffered a loss. However, therapy can help you change your mindset around that loss and help you learn new ways of coping in your everyday life that can make the loss feel more manageable to cope with.

    Everyone has a different experience in grief counseling, but the goal is never to make you forget about your loss or “get over it.” Rather, therapy is a space for you to honor your emotions, process how you feel, and learn to live with grief.

  • My rate is $150/hr. (Sliding scale spots are currently full)

  • Yes! Although EMDR is typically known for treating trauma, it is very effective for other issues like grief. EMDR is our primary modality at Hopeful Heart, and we are happy to explain more about EMDR during a free consultation.

Grief counseling in Tampa, FL can help you navigate life after loss

Whether you’re coping with the death of a loved one, grieving a major life change, or have experienced another form of loss, I’m here to help. I can support you as you navigate the struggles, tough emotions, and other issues that come as ripple effects from loss.

Grief is a universal experience, but you also have your own unique perspective. I approach each of my clients with curiosity and compassion-I want to hear what you’re thinking and feeling so I can understand how best to support you.

Even if you’re currently feeling isolated by your grief, you don’t have to navigate it alone.

Reach out today to start grief counseling in Tampa and get the support you need. I look forward to hearing from you.